Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I've Lost 36 Pounds!

Yippy!! This morning I weighed in at Winner's Weight Loss and discovered that so far I have lost 36 pounds!

Why, I'm starting to feel like a new person. Still have a long way to go, but that doesn't bother me since I'm learning how to eat for the rest of my life.

I've decided that successful weight loss is really about readiness, getting the internal stuff right and having the support of a proven program.

For a few weeks, I didn't have all the vitamins. The lesson to me was that the vitamins are critical for optimized energy, metabolism and weight-loss. Now that I'm back on all the recommended vitamins, not only has my energy soared, but my clothes are looser and the scale is reflecting the progress.

Nutritional support seems to be a biggee in successful weight reduction.

If you are looking for help with a weight-loss adventure in 2007, my friends at Winner's Weight Loss in Tallahassee, Florida would love to help you, too.

I've been on just about every diet around and spent years on the diet merry-go-round but I feel confident that through the help and support of the doctor-approved diet at Winner's Weight Loss I will be able to finally lose all of the weight that my body no long needs.

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