Sunday, October 19, 2008

There is always a great sense of accomplishment when we come to the final stages of a project, especially if that project was a challenging one with it's own share of fits and starts.

Dieting is a major accomplishment that offers a bevy of benefits to the ones who are successful.

Even if your past success has been limited... rememberthis- today is a new day. Today is a beautiful day to start anew! You can still be successful one day at a time!

Washington DC dentist
We have to be able to say, "NO" to the things in life that just don't work for us!

Many of my generation and earlier were taught that we shouldn't say no, that maybe it wasn't polite or maybe it wasn't the Christian thing to do.

When someone asked something of us, we should try to accomodate them.

Well, that seems like some bad advice!

A good decision making tool is the divine triangle.

The divine triangle has three points.

We ask ourselves first of all is this decision glorifying to God.

Is this decision for the good of others?

Is this decision in my best interest? Or will doing so cause my triangle to get skewered?

The world is full of things that will bring glory to God, but is something God is asking me to do ?????

Let your own personal relationship with God be your compass and you'll never go wrong!

moving trucks
Every dime counts when you are struggling to make ends meet.

It never ceases to amaze me how often people will ask and expect others for donations for their pet causes- maybe a starving child in a third world country, to help bankroll their mission trip or some other cause that God has placed on their heart. These are all excellent causes.

But the problem is when these people are so blind to the needs of others within their own circle of influence. They see that someone is struggling and yet they still ask for help.

One woman in my church called me almost daily for business donations to her causes, even though I told her I was going through a very lean period. She didn't care. Her objective was making her donation quota.

This woman who is actually quite wealthy, has the power to bankroll her own mission trip... why, oh why, is she begging for donations from someone who is struggling to get by? It is beyond the scope of my imagination... but as you can probably tell, the whole scenario disturbs me!

Call me once, fine. Call me twice, maybe. But call me more than that and you can write-off my support and FORGET IT!

I have my own God-ordained calls on my resources, I do not need to be innundated with YOURS! funny t-shirts
Tomorrow, I embark on a new journey. I have said adios to the one who became my stumbling block, the one who was another red herring.

Why is this world full of red herrings? Do they serve a useful purpose in the overall scheme of things? Perhaps they serve as a traffic control of sorts, slowing us down while God works out the timing of his divine orchestration.

best fat burners

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tallahassee caterer, Canopy Rose Catering offers delicious and innovative heart-healthy solutions for holiday catering.

Just let us know that you are interested in "light catering" when you call, since all of of our foods are not low-fat!

We are always hapy to tweak any recipe to be more diet-friendly!

A full list of our menus and services can be be found at

Want to be on our mailing list? Send your contact info to

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Carrying around extra weight takes a real toll on the body. Sometimes we just get use to the extra weight and feel a strange sense of comfort with it's presence in our life. Perhaps the fat is like a security blanket of sorts, protecting us from things.

I don't really know for sure. But I have my suspicions.

Granted everyone usually wants to be thin... they want to look great, they want to feel great.

So what is the problem? Could it be a problem that is so deeply rooted in one's past with issues all their own?

Is a weight problem more aligned with the need for the assistance of a mental health counselor than for a weight loss counselor? Or should both be part of the solution?

Why can't I just do it on my own? I'm smart! I'm savvy! I'm beyond CAPABLE! I have accomplished things in my lifetime, far beyond what I could have ever dreamt possible...
I am continually astonished by the brilliant and creative brain I've been blessed with... so why does this weight problem continue to interfere with my life?

Plantar Fasciitis
My treadmill will probably last a thousand years at the rate that I'm using it. It is so easy to use it... so why then do I avoid it?

Maybe I need to do something creative... something out of the box about using it.

Oh I've tried. I have a VCR player hooked up near it and sometimes I'll pop in a video to keep me busy. Boring!

I need to invest in some more high tech toys maybe or even simple cable might do the job.

It is not like I'm really hungry. It is rather like I just want to crunch.

This has truly got to be a food addiction or compulsion.

How can we break free of these destructive tendencies that can literally kill us?

When I get in the munching and crunching mode, I'm hard pressed to get out of it.

There must be some strategies that can be successfully implemented.

Why this stupid desire to pour food into the body- food that the body simply does not need.

Why can't I just treat my mouth as I do the fuel cap on my car???? Opening it only when it truly needs a refilling. I should pray on this! appetite suppresant
Real power steering comes from a source far greater than self. I can steer all I want, but what I've discovered that no matter how much I try to steer the course of my life, it pales in comparison to the divine course that understands my purpose for existence and will ultimately steer me towards that divine direction that will bring me home.

power steering rack
It is never too early to start planning your Thanksgiving celebration.

Last year I was up to my eyeballs in boxes and moving during Thanksgiving, so unfortunately any special celebration to mark the day simply didn't happen.

I had several wonderful offers to spend the day with different friends, but when you are on a tight, tight, tight schedule like I was - the very notion of spending a leisurely day stuffing oneself just doesn't compute.

Now this year is another story! I intend to do Thanksgiving up in style! Thanksgiving recipes

Friday, October 03, 2008

Find Tallahassee Caterers For Dieters

Tallahassee caterer, Canopy Rose Catering offers delicious, heart-healthy fare for dieters and others who are on restricted diets.

Either call the offices of Canopy Rose Catering at 850-539-7750 or visit the tallahassee catering website at

Since not all of the food is light, please make sure to request items from the Canopy Rose Light & Luscious Menu.