Friday, November 20, 2009

When chill winds blow and the season of sentimentality knocks upon on the door, as it usually does in the days preceeding the Thanksgiving holidays, my thoughts return to a more simpler state of affairs.

Ah, what would it be like to live in harmony with nature, family and tradition as the Walton's might have done.

In the utopian visions of my once young and ever so slightly naive imagination, the perfect life would have been lived on a mountain top surrounded by the nurturing embrace of family and history.

My home of choice would have been a rustic log cabin, sprawling out from the common areas in at least half a dozen different directions. Nights would be filled with a rich menu of storytelling and songs around a massive crackling fire.

manufactured homes
"Every business needs an exit strategy," the speaker said.

It was the turn of the century, when the Twentieth Century was turning into the Twenty-First Century, and the words spoken in this seminar took hold in some fertile soil of my imagination.

"An exit stategy, hmmmm," the elderly gentleman to my right repeated as he scratched his head. "Well, sheesh I never thought of exiting the business I love. What would I do with my days? I'm not one content to live out my days in a rocker."

exit signs

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One of the things I miss most are my old friends. It's been a long time since I had an opportunity to just hang out with my old pals. live chat

It is not like we live all that far away from each other, certainly no more than an hour drive and yet most days it feels as if we are a million miles apart.

I suppose that is what happens after we say our, I do's" ... we go on to live new lives. But happens to the old one? Live chat

live chat
Wow! It has been a long time since I started this blog.

Too bad I didn't think to have the journey recorded on some sort of video cards!

It was three years ago when I started this blog. I had just begun the BIG DIET. A lot happened along the way. I lost a lot of weight, I moved, I started and completed several interesting chapters, I regained the weight, I fell in love with a widow, got married and moved once again.

Lots and lots of transitions! Lots and lots of stress!!

Now, after three years things are starting to settle down a bit and I am returning to revisit what I orinially started!