Sunday, August 10, 2008

My new clothes are too tight. My old clothes are fortunately too baggy. But my weight is dangerously heading in the wrong direction. Helllpppppppppppppppppppppppp!

What is a girl to do? I could start by keeping my hungry mouth closed!

Why am I so ravenous anyway? I need to get to the heart of this.

Is it because I don't read the Bible like I once did? Is it because my heart has been wandering away and my spirit has drawn drafty?

Is it because I took all that I was learning to heart, and then sadly discovered that my heart was too naive, and that so much of what churches proclaim is merely lip service.

I think what I have seen and experienced over the last 7 years has hurt me and while it shouldn't... it does. I can't help it. It is the way I'm wired. But somehow I have to get better at separating my God that has never failed me from the God of the churches. Of course, the problem is... this is the same God.

I want my naivety back. I liked me better when I took everything I read in the Bible to heart. I liked me better when everyday started and ended with that extraordinary online connection to the best power source of all.

So I guess the fault lies with me... lies with me disconnecting from the power source because I let my jumbled up ideas get in the way.

I thought if a church proclaimed the word of God, their actions would manifest that.
But what I failed to understand was that every person who walks throuh the doors of a church is at a different place in their spiritual journey... and it is ok. In fact it is better than ok! It is beautiful!

It is time for me to return to the heart of worship. Who knows... maybe that deep hunger will once again be quenched by the best food of all... food for the soul!


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