Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Good Morning Tallahassee!! Let's See How Much Weight We Can Lose By Christmas!!!

Finally! (I say as I catch my breath.)

You always know that sooner or later, if you've gone hog wild following a diet, you are going to have to face the music!

Today was that day for me.

After being totally disgusted with myself for packing on the pounds over the last few months, I returned to Winner's Weightloss Center to start again.

With a new school year about to start, this seems like a perfect time to get back on a regime that will help me to be the best possible version of myself.

The last year was very hard for me. I went through some stuff that tested me to the limit. While this should not be an excuse, the truth is that I am an emotional eater and when my world is a bit crazy, I find solace and comfort in food.

The good part of this is that I recognize what is happening, but the bad part is that sometimes I simply don't care, especially when I'm stuffing a second bowl of ice cream down my throat.

When we do this, we really need to go within and try to find out what it is that is causing us to want to over-inflate ourselves.

What are we hungry for?

I believe a chief thing that I was hungering for was all the nutritional supplements that I had become accustomed to while on the Winner's Program. These supplements provided nutrients that my body craves and they also helped to tame my unhealthy cravings.

Tomorrow will be my first day officially back on the diet. I'll try to log online and share my journey with you and if any of you in the Tallahassee area want to join me... come on board and let's see how much weight we can lose by Christmas!!!

The Winner's Weight Loss Program is a great program for losing weight. Any failure is entirely my fault. Ultimately the success or failure of weightloss rests with the participant.

If I had not allowed my own life stresses to become stumbling blocks, I would be 127 pounds today. But in two hours, today will be history, it will be the past. When I wake up on Thursday morning, a new hope will greet me and lead me into another leg of this fabulous journey where I will try once again to win my ongoing battle with emotional eating, compulsive eating, sugar addiction and carbohydrate addiction.

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