Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm sold on nutritional supplements. For about the last 5 months I stopped taking all the vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Boy what a huge mistake.

I've really learned my lesson, BIG TIME!

Not only did I pack on the pounds because I was constantly hungry, but I had zero energy. Exhaustion would meet me at the breakfast table and worsen as the day progressed. In the evening my heart would burn, just like it did before I started the program.

Now, I've only been back on the program for a few days and

1.) I have amazing energy

2.) I feel like a million bucks

3.) I'm drinking a ton of water

4.) Whatever that bout of depression that was hovering over me has disappeared

5.) I'm OK about my relapse and all my gained weight. I'm just going to pick myself up and start again!

At first when I started putting on the weight I didn't want to see anyone. But all that did was make matters worse. So finally I said I'm coming out of the closet on this weight gain and I am confident that this is the best thing in the world for me!

What is done is done... and today is a new day! Today is the day to reach towards one's dreams! weight loss pill

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