Sunday, June 29, 2008

"To thine own self be true..." Polonius's celebrated words, which he speaks to his son Laertes before Laertes's departure for travel abroad.

Are you being true to yourself? Are you being true to the innermost beat of your own soul?

Are you living a life of true authenticity?

The only way we can answer these questions is by traveling inward, moving away from the distractions of others and of the world. This is not so easy to do in our hectic paced lives and yet it is perhaps one of the most important things we MUST do if we are to become true to ourselves. I believe that by becoming true to ourself, we become true to a better version of ourselves, to a version more aligned with who we were created to be.

No one else can tell us! Our parents, our spouse, our significant other, our pastor, our teacher, our friends, our weightloss counselor... NO, they can not tell us. They can encourage us and love us. They can celebrate our victories and sympathize in our losses... But they can not tell us what is "right" for us.

Fortunately, discovering what is right for us is closer than many realize. While some have traveled the world to find themselves and others spend their entire lives looking everywhere except inwardly, some have discovered that their personal treasure map is actually situated right in the center of their own heart. By going to this center, they will discover all the answers they need in order to live a life that is filled with relevant authenticity, and the pathways to paradise. pool floats

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