Sunday, June 15, 2008

I told a little fib. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened.

It was one of those fibs that the person doesn't forget.

See it all happened when I casually told this guy that we had the same birthday, for reasons that might only make sense to me. Now the thing is he usually forgets just about everything I say so I didn't think it would be such a big deal. I'd already told him the date of my real birthday... but naturally in all his self-centerered splendor, he forgot. In my book forgetting equates, to "I don't give a d_ _ _ !

Really, any guy worth his salt doesn't forget his girl's birthday. Does he? Or do I just expect too much?

So now I have a little predicament. I might need to take his name off my birthday invitations list!

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