Sunday, June 15, 2008

It is good to be on a diet and lose weight. But what happens when you go off the diet? What happens when you go off the supplements that helped with the weight loss?

Are we forever doomed to popping pills?

I hate pills. Oh I know hate is a harsh word and that I should never say "I hate" anything.

But I do! I hate dieting! I hate popping pills to stay thin. Why can't I just be pencil-thin on my own?

Everyday I say, "today, today I'll get back on the program." But then I meet some food that taunts me and tempts me and today never comes.

Of course, it is my fault. I can't blame it on the food. That is foolish. How can a food make you do something? We are a silly lot at times- giving things like food powers to control us.

One day I'm going to stop letting food run the show. One day I'm going to learn to say "NO" to all the nods of immediate gratification. One day I'm going to grow up... and realize that I am in control of every morsel that enters my body and on that day I will say no to anything and everything that is not filled with vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.

NOW needs to be that day! Phentermine no prescription

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