Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just how much flexibility should we allow for in building relationships?

Should we build a romantic relationship with another whose interests are far different from our own?

Several years ago I bought the book, "Look before You Love."

This is a great book! It has truly impacted me far more than I could have ever realized.

It has taught me to look at the lifestyle of a man I might be interested in. It has also taught me to consider my own!

It can be all too easy to get caught up in a blurry haze of romantic stirrings and flat out ignore red flags.

I already knew that a certain man wasn't the one for me... but when he said he was watching wrestling on tv on a Friday night... I knew with certainty that I could never imagine a life with a man who watched wrestling on tv on Friday nights!

There is nothing whatsoever wrong with someone watching wrestling. I applaud them for being true to their interests and spending their time doing something that they enjoy, whatever that might be.

But for me.... there are other things that I like to do on a Friday night... and somehow these things seems totally incompatible with the idea of a tv set or a wrestling match.

Do you think I'm a tad bit inflexible or that I'm smart to LOOK BEFORE I LOVE?

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"To thine own self be true..." Polonius's celebrated words, which he speaks to his son Laertes before Laertes's departure for travel abroad.

Are you being true to yourself? Are you being true to the innermost beat of your own soul?

Are you living a life of true authenticity?

The only way we can answer these questions is by traveling inward, moving away from the distractions of others and of the world. This is not so easy to do in our hectic paced lives and yet it is perhaps one of the most important things we MUST do if we are to become true to ourselves. I believe that by becoming true to ourself, we become true to a better version of ourselves, to a version more aligned with who we were created to be.

No one else can tell us! Our parents, our spouse, our significant other, our pastor, our teacher, our friends, our weightloss counselor... NO, they can not tell us. They can encourage us and love us. They can celebrate our victories and sympathize in our losses... But they can not tell us what is "right" for us.

Fortunately, discovering what is right for us is closer than many realize. While some have traveled the world to find themselves and others spend their entire lives looking everywhere except inwardly, some have discovered that their personal treasure map is actually situated right in the center of their own heart. By going to this center, they will discover all the answers they need in order to live a life that is filled with relevant authenticity, and the pathways to paradise. pool floats
Call me corny, but I love square dancing.

Now here's the tough question... if we supposedly love doing something, why do we not do it?

Square dancing is one of those activities that I will dosey-doe into the opportunity to do...if the opportunity presents itself. But square dancing has never been something that I went out searching for.

Was it that I thought it was corny and outdated, perhaps something best reserved for the occasional hoe-down or barn dance?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It Is Never Too Late!

It is never too late to start eating right and exercising your body.

Have you departed from a healthy regime? I'm sure most of us do from time-to-time.

The variety of reasons for this are surely as complicated and complex as the people themselves.

While we could pin the tail on the donkey, it is far wiser to own up to whatever the reason is and get back on track. Laying blame doesn't accomplish anything of any real merit. But what does is ... the taking charge of our lives, our health and our well-being in proactive ways.

So yesterday after feeling like I was closer to 91 than 51, I forced myself to exercise, drink plenty of water and eat right.

Now 24 hours later I feel like a million bucks! The human body is truly extraordinary! We have the power within us to transform our quality of life, by the choices we make. Choosing healthy food and physical exercise is so easy when we get deliberate about it. For support it never hurts to include your desire for a good diet and fitness program in your prayers.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

When he said those things, clever comebacks came to me, comebacks that could cut him to the core. Yet, that sane inner voice whispered, "No Kathi."

So I spoke, not.

I would not stoop to that level. I would not lower myself to casting negativity in his garden.

Matching negativity for negativity does nothing to improve anyone's life. It only draws more darkness into an already dark world.

We can not be beacons of light if we spread darkness. Won't you spread some light today?

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I realize what I did wrong and yet I find it hard to turn the tide.

You see I let someone into my life, who began sprinkling seeds of negativity. I was doing great. Losing weight and feeling empowered to reach my goal.

But he started making comments about my weight and his words were not helpful to me.

The positive and the encouraging self-love tapes that had helped me to lose the weight got silenced, and the station got changed. Now the only words I heard were:

Rolly Polly


Your Underarms!

On and on!

While I know that I can not attach the blame to anyone but myself... I am angry at me. I am angry that I opened the door into my life to a person who sprinkles words of negativity. I am angry that I allowed his words to have a clear channel.

Now I have a tough job. I have to turn off that channel. It is harder than I thought. I have to return to my own channel of encouragement and self-love that says, "You are beautiful and thin!"

I have to discontinue ALL further association with this man, because association with him is toxic to my serenity and disastrous to my physical and emotional well-being.

And then maybe I can begin the job of erasing all the "fat" things he said to me.

We have to be very, very careful who we allow entrance into our lives. We need to be certain that they are "safe people."

A safe person is positive and affirming and sees us as a better version of ourselves. This gift they offer has the power to pull us forward into a better version of ourselves. They say, " you are beautiful" and before their very eyes we manifest into a more beautiful version of ourselves.

But if they say you are rolly polly, how can we not manifest into a more rolly polly version of ourselves?

Words... are they not more powerful than just about anything in lifting up or tearing down the spirit?

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It is good to be on a diet and lose weight. But what happens when you go off the diet? What happens when you go off the supplements that helped with the weight loss?

Are we forever doomed to popping pills?

I hate pills. Oh I know hate is a harsh word and that I should never say "I hate" anything.

But I do! I hate dieting! I hate popping pills to stay thin. Why can't I just be pencil-thin on my own?

Everyday I say, "today, today I'll get back on the program." But then I meet some food that taunts me and tempts me and today never comes.

Of course, it is my fault. I can't blame it on the food. That is foolish. How can a food make you do something? We are a silly lot at times- giving things like food powers to control us.

One day I'm going to stop letting food run the show. One day I'm going to learn to say "NO" to all the nods of immediate gratification. One day I'm going to grow up... and realize that I am in control of every morsel that enters my body and on that day I will say no to anything and everything that is not filled with vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.

NOW needs to be that day! Phentermine no prescription
I told a little fib. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened.

It was one of those fibs that the person doesn't forget.

See it all happened when I casually told this guy that we had the same birthday, for reasons that might only make sense to me. Now the thing is he usually forgets just about everything I say so I didn't think it would be such a big deal. I'd already told him the date of my real birthday... but naturally in all his self-centerered splendor, he forgot. In my book forgetting equates, to "I don't give a d_ _ _ !

Really, any guy worth his salt doesn't forget his girl's birthday. Does he? Or do I just expect too much?

So now I have a little predicament. I might need to take his name off my birthday invitations list!
What is with these guys looking for a sugar momma?

I can not believe that there are guys out there that expect a woman to take on the dominant role!

I've seen and heard it all... at least all I plan to hear!

From the rich guy who lets his mom supplement his income to the one who said he wants to be my caddy! Let me tell you... I want an equal partner. I don't need a caddy! I want someone like me, someone who stands on their own two feet, someone who isn't afraid to take a swing and hit the ball out of the ballpark.

I want someone who takes his life mission and his career serious and isn't focused on becoming a barnacle on someone else's back.

I don't mind paying my fair share at times, but I'm not about to spring for his share of the bill! It goes against my grain, it goes against everything I believe a man should be!

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Fifty is the NEW 35! You've got to love this, especially if you are either in or nearing the FABULOUS FIFTIES!

I turned the big 5-o last summer and have not looked back once.

But here is the disturbing thing...there are people who have totally screwed up thought processes and are not happy unless they are dragging somebody else down.

We have to stay away from people like that! They are TOXIC!

I'm referring to people who come to plant seeds of hopelessness, doubt or despair in our gardens.

If a friend tells you that fifty is too old... who needs enemies?

Fifty is a great age. In fact I think life begins at fifty. So what if we are wearing bi-focals and investing in thebest acne treatment?