Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yikes! I finally stepped back on the scale a few minutes ago. Not good! I've gained about 25 pounds since the holidays.

So I've made the decision to get re-dedicated to this weight loss journey. I've drank more water this morning already than I probably drank in an entire week's time in the past several months.

The water is so critical. It really helps to flush out the toxins.

During my time freelancing as a weight loss counselor, I discovered that the patients who drank liberal amounts of water (at least a minimum of 64 ounces a day), visited the center regularly and kept a true accounting of their daily food intake were the most successful in their quest to lose weight. While those who drank little water, failed to visit the center on a regular basis and did not record a daily food diary ... lost very little weight at all and even in some cases- gained weight.

So much of this is just plain old common sense! It is not all that much different than when we were in school. If we read the assignments, did our homework and put forth a serious effort - we would get good grades. If we blew off the assignments, the homework and the effort - we could pretty much be assured relatively unsatisfactory results.

It is about what is more important to us. It's about just saying " NO "to the short term desires that interfere with allowing us to accomplish the more important long term desires.

We have to decide what is more important to us and to our lives.

We have to be able to intelligently weigh immediate satisfaction over a future goal.

Do we want to see our goal realized? Or do we want to trade off our goal for immediate gratification that could lead to all sorts of health issues? Is that sugar worth the damage it can do to both health and well being?

I write about this because this is my daily challenge. Too many times in my life, I've elected sugar fixes over a greater goal. In the process, I've compromised my health and the dreams that are in my soul.

So once again, I pick myself up and try again to avoid the sugar, to drink the water, to keep the food diary, to make smarter choices concerning what I put in my mouth and to exercise this divine temple that I was entrusted with to partake of a human experience on this planet.

I don't want my experience to be any less than what it was destined for when the Creator decided that I should be created.

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