Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Recipe For Preserved Children

I came across this recipe on an old vintage recipe card. It always puts such a smile on my face, as it reminds me of the carefree days of childhood from a bygone era when exercise wasn't even something that we consciously thought about. Yet, our lifestyles were active and obesity uncommon. Nowadays, children seem to stay indoors far more than they did when I was a child and childhood obesity has grown to frightening statistics.

Last month when Ruth did the fat test on me, she said something interesting to me.

"You can thank your mom and dad. " Apparently she could tell by the test results that I had good genes and that when I was a child, I had built plenty of good muscle.

"These overweight kids today won't have a chance," she continued, "their poor bodies are being set up for diabetes and a whole slew of major health problems."

Yikes! It is time to turn this tide.

Preserved Children

1 large field
1/2 dozen children
2 small dogs
pinch of brook
blue sky
1 old pick up truck
new truck accessories

Transport the children to a big open field, stir in children and dogs. Pour the brook over the pebbles, sprinkle with flowers spread over a deep blue sky and bake it in the sky. When golden brown whisk back home to cool in the bathtub. Yields many memories that will never be forgotten.

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