Monday, March 26, 2007

I've Lost 54 Pounds

Today I hit a new benchmark in this weight loss adventure. I've lost 54 pounds so far! As I drove home from the weight loss center, I began pondering the psychological aspects of eating.

Long before I embarked on the diet, I had been trying to unravel the mystery of how it was that food, especially sugar cravings, had become so entangled in my interior being.

As I became more aware of my patterns, I spotted triggers in my life that drove me to crave sugar.

While I don't begin to have the answers for anyone else, I understand what is making the difference for me. My secret is the transforming work of a higher power. With the hand of God, none of what I've been able to accomplish could have happened. God's orchestration is everywhere in this fabulous journey of weight loss.

Timing is everything. For some mysterious reason, after fifteen years of being obese, the timing is right for me to lose the weight. I suspect that if I had lost the weight before God had the chance to do a bunch of inner work with me, things would have been far more tangled up inside me.

I pray that my years of obesity have not caused irreversible health problems in my body. How tragic that so many of the health problems in today's world could be avoided by simply following a diet that is based on the good natural foods God gave to us.

It is often said that you don't have something because you don't ask, or that when you do, you ask with the wrong motives. How true this can be about weight loss.

For me this weight loss is not so much about looking hot, as it is about becoming the best possible version of who God created me to be. It is also about being a good steward of this one miraculous body that will travel with me during the remainder of my stay on planet earth. It is my job to do my part to take care of it and not abuse it.

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