Sunday, October 19, 2008

Every dime counts when you are struggling to make ends meet.

It never ceases to amaze me how often people will ask and expect others for donations for their pet causes- maybe a starving child in a third world country, to help bankroll their mission trip or some other cause that God has placed on their heart. These are all excellent causes.

But the problem is when these people are so blind to the needs of others within their own circle of influence. They see that someone is struggling and yet they still ask for help.

One woman in my church called me almost daily for business donations to her causes, even though I told her I was going through a very lean period. She didn't care. Her objective was making her donation quota.

This woman who is actually quite wealthy, has the power to bankroll her own mission trip... why, oh why, is she begging for donations from someone who is struggling to get by? It is beyond the scope of my imagination... but as you can probably tell, the whole scenario disturbs me!

Call me once, fine. Call me twice, maybe. But call me more than that and you can write-off my support and FORGET IT!

I have my own God-ordained calls on my resources, I do not need to be innundated with YOURS! funny t-shirts

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