Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fenphedra is believed by many to be an effective diet pill.

While I personally can not say, "yay" or "nay" I will say that it is smart to do all the research you can on any medicine or nutritional supplement before putting it in your body.

Long term damage has been known to occur in some weight loss formulas sold in the past. So do your due diligence and let the internet be your friend in your battle against the bulge.

Monday, June 08, 2009

The big question on my mind is this: is a summer vacation a necessity or a luxury?

Talking with some people, I get the idea that vacations are as important to their personal well being as oxygen, H2O and food. While others firmly believe that vacations are indeed a luxury- a luxury that can not always be indulged in due to financial or time restraints.

Where do you weigh in on the subject of SUMMER VACATIONS????

I have yet to make up my mind, but this I know...I LOVE SUMMER VACATIONS!


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

With this instant world of the 21st Century, I believe we have almost lost something very special with high speed access.

What has happened to the lovely time-honored art of sending a beautifully hand-lettered and thoughtfully composed letter?

We are lost in a maze of e-mail, im's and twitters.

Ah, wouldn't it be wonderful to recapture this lost art and surprise the socks off the recipient. Afterall, who wouldn't love to receive a lovely hand-written letter in their mailbox? Do we still have physical mailboxes???

These days even you'll find greeting cards online. To be in step with the times why not send one of each?
A few years ago I commented on one of my blogs that a well-known politician had made the statement that the one thing that frightened him most in life was,GET THIS, Ever getting bored.

I was blown away by the very thought. How lame can one get? And how totally out of touch with the needs of his own constituents.

In response, I said that my biggest fear was for all of the people in the world without health insurance and without proper healthcare.

It is my prayer that excellent health care coverage would be a birth right of all of God's children, in every nook and cranny and every continent of this world.

health insurance leads
Ah, videos! The very idea of creative video production sends my spirits soaring to new galaxies.

This was certainly part of the plan a few years ago when I was on the "BIG Weight Loss Journey."

But somehow everything just didn't go quite like I had planned. Now, this is not to say that things didn't work out in a pleasing way. because they actually did. I believe my goals will still be attained, just in a little different way than I pictured. Along the way, I fell in love! Imagine that!!!! Now I'm a bride-to-be and can't wait to begin my new life as a Pastor's Wife!

Imagine creating a great video to for your specialty niche. For me that specialty niche is food and entertaining with a sprinkle of faith tossed in to the mix.

I'll have to surf over to BUY dot com and check out what sort of video production supplies are available and hopefully discover some good sales to boot!