Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Getting A Running Start on My 2007 Resolutions

From The Desk of Tallahassee, Florida Dieter ~ Kathi Dameron

By starting my diet before the holidays, I'm hoping to get a running start on my 2007 resolutions.

Ok, maybe I'm a little behind on my 2006 resolutions. (Yes, it took me close to 11 months to get in gear.) But I look at it this way. I have finally made the biggest decision of all- the decision to tackle my weighty challenge.

Come the season of resolutions on January 1, 2007 ... I will be weighing in at least 25 pounds lighter. Maybe more! How about you? Do you want to start 2007 lighter?

If you are in the Tallahassee, Florida area and looking for a diet pal ... my friends at Winner's Weight Loss can help you, too!

Lori is just one of the many awesome cheerleaders at Winner's Weight Loss that can help people to break the bondages of fat.

We all deserve to be the very best possible version of ourselves. Why let fat get in the way of experiencing your best possible life?

Lori does free, no obligation weight loss consultations. If you would like to arrange an appointment give her a call at 850-297-2500.

And if Lori's location is not convenient for you, there are several other centers. There is even one in nearby Crawfordville for our coastal friends.

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