Sunday, June 15, 2008

What is with these guys looking for a sugar momma?

I can not believe that there are guys out there that expect a woman to take on the dominant role!

I've seen and heard it all... at least all I plan to hear!

From the rich guy who lets his mom supplement his income to the one who said he wants to be my caddy! Let me tell you... I want an equal partner. I don't need a caddy! I want someone like me, someone who stands on their own two feet, someone who isn't afraid to take a swing and hit the ball out of the ballpark.

I want someone who takes his life mission and his career serious and isn't focused on becoming a barnacle on someone else's back.

I don't mind paying my fair share at times, but I'm not about to spring for his share of the bill! It goes against my grain, it goes against everything I believe a man should be!

Hilton Head rentals

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